Volunteer Fair Thursday April 18 5:30-7:00pm

The Town of Nobleford is hosting a Volunteer Fair on Thursday, April 18th at the Nobleford Community Complex from 5:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. Residents are provided with the opportunity to come out and learn about local organizations and their contributions to our community. The Volunteer Fair is the perfect opportunity to get involved with a community organization. Whether you’re a student seeking volunteer hours or if you’re new to Nobleford and are looking for form connections, we encourage you to attend and find a cause that resonates with you. The event is free for everyone to attend and refreshments will be provided. Attendees will be able to place their names in a raffle draw for a chance to win a gift card at the end of the event!
Volunteerism is such an important aspect of every community. Volunteers help fundraise and undertake community projects (ex. Community Pantry), organize community events (ex. Heritage Day), provide resources for those who need them the most (ex. Food Distribution), etc. These initiatives are not provided by the Town and are solely the effort of volunteers and societies. These initiatives cannot continue if we do not have volunteers to help. As the current volunteer rate is low in Nobleford, we would like to urge you to attend and find a cause in which you would like to volunteer your time. These organizations require minimal time commitment from you and in turn provide a massive reward for the entire community.
This event is being hosted in partnership with Volunteer Alberta and YourAlberta (Government of Alberta) to promote volunteerism and recognize all the hard work our volunteers do.